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Sunday 11 September 2011

New Term!

Dear All,

Sorry I've not been in touch; it's that whole back from holiday, try to work out what the hell is going on, get a grip thing going on.

Amsterdam was BRILLIANT. Thank you to everyone for all your work, support and singing. Big fun was had by all, and please upload your pictures. We're waiting on the video! The singing was complex (we didn't shy from tough repertoire...) and was really well done. Particular highlights for me were the Holst Nunc Dimittis in Sint Nicolaaskerk and anything in Oude Kerk. Really great everyone thank you.

We are collating interesting and nice things people are saying about the trip, so drop us an email and we'll stick some up.

So what now? Well, plans are being made, great thoughts are being developed, empires are being built (in the sky). First rehearsal is on 19 September, half term is on 24 October and last week is 5 December. Champions are meeting on 19 September before the rehearsal - let us know anything you would like us to discuss.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 19th,



  1. Do we have a date for the concert? I thought it was planned to be 3rd December but as our last monday is the 5th December , perhaps the concert is a week later? Cheers Nick

  2. The concert is on the 3rd at St Chad's Church, Bensham. There are plans afoot for Monday 5th, the last rehearsal of the term, so keep it free! More details later.

