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Thursday 22 January 2015

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Concert by Orchestra North East 8th Feb - from Joan

Concert by Orchestra North East at the Gala Theatre, Durham, on Sunday 8th February at 3p.m.

                            Clarinet concertos by Mozart and Dankworth, soloist Emma Johnson,
                            Mussorgsy    Night on a Bare Mountain
                            Copland        Appalachian Spring

Saturday 17 January 2015

Highland Pipes anyone?

Dear All,
One or two of you may be aware of a small January challenge I have set myself. We are having a Burns Day round ours next Sunday with friends (not night due to the bairns) and I am going to play Amazing Grace on the Highland Pipes. I have a teacher and am practising wt a chanter and it's going ok (apart from needing epic strength in my lips and the bizarre fingering) but I need a set of pipes. Most pipers don't lend their sets to strangers on ridiculous 2 week missions. eBay sells them for £65 and unbelievably you can buy children's ones in lidl right now...

So I need the set from Weds - Mon or Tues week. They can be in any key and of any quality, so long as they actually play. 

Does anyone have any? Or know of any ? There must be a set in a loft somewhere.

Well if you do - there's a bottle if scottish whisky fur you.



Wednesday 14 January 2015

A message for Ed from Don

Don has asked for this message to be past on to Ed and distributed to the rest of the choir. Hear hear!
Dear Ed

When you proudly reminded us at last night’s rehearsal that it was the 10th anniversary of the Chamber Choir, I was delighted for the Choir, but was also kicking myself afterwards that we had let the opportunity slip to congratulate you as well.

I’m sure everybody would like to join me in recording that this amazing family, a choir distinctive not only for its musicality but even more for its infectious bonhomie, is very much your brainchild.  Through your adventurous spirit and ‘fun’ approach you have created a warm hearted group of friends who anticipate every rehearsal with great relish, and who recognise that they have had their musical horizons joyfully expanded beyond all measure.

Keep up the good work Ed!  Many thanks


Monday 12 January 2015

London Summer 2015

As mentioned at rehearsal our proposal is to have our summer choir trip to London this year. A UK venue has meant that more choir members are able to come in the past so we hope that this will make the trip possible for the most number of singers this year. We haven't abandoned international destinations, we will be back investigating potentials next year.

The two options for the weekend are either 15/16 August or 22/23 August.  Please could you reply to this email and let me know which you would prefer. If you don't have a preference please could you reply to tell me that as well.

We would love to get a really great venue for a sing, Ed is hopeful for a Royal Peculiar (I had to google it) or one of the great London cathedrals's. There are also lots of other potential venues as well, including some outside of London that we could get to as a day trip.

So we have started collating a list of potentials to whom I will start sending emails soon. If anyone has any suggestions of other venues please do let me know soon.

However even more importantly, if anyone has any connections or contacts that they think might get us an open door or even a chink of light through a nearly closed door, please do shout up and we can make a plan of how best to approach them. After all shy bairns get nowt.

So our starters for 10 are (in no particular order):

St Brides's Church, Fleet Street
Temple Church
Hampton Court Palace, Chapel Royal
St Paul's Cathedral
Westminster Abbey
Southwark Cathedral
Westminster Cathedral
Westminster Palace Chapel of St Mary Undercroft
Lambeth Palace Chapel
St James's palace Chapel Royal and Queen's Chapel
All Hallows' by Tower
Christ Church Spitalfields
Church if st Bartholomew the Great
St Martins in the Fields
St Paul's Covent Garden
Eton College Chapel
St George's Chapel, Windsor

Thanks for your help.


Friday 9 January 2015

music for Monday 12th Jan rehearsal

Happy New Year!  Music for the first rehearsal of term:


