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Thursday 18 October 2012

Autumn 2012 Music Lists

Dear All,

Apologies it has taken so long but here are the music lists! Please can you give the music back over the next 2 weeks. As well as the music stated to return, please do feel free to give back anything else you have that's not n the existing repertoire list.

There are You Tube links from the new repertoire pieces,  but there will be more to come.



Existing Repertoire:

Ave Maria (Biebl)
Ave maris stella (Grieg)
Ave Verum (Byrd)
Beatus Vir (Monteverdi)
Cantate Domino (Monteverdi)
Coelis Ascendit Hodie (Stanford)
Daemon (Orban)
Dostoino est (Tchaikovsky)
Evening Hymn (Purcell)
Mass in g minor (RVW)
Nunc Dimittis (Holst)
O Magnum Mysterium (Lauridsen)
O Nata Lux (Tallis)
Rytmus (Hrosovsky)
Sing Joyfully (Byrd)
Sleep (Whitacre)
Sound the Trumpet (Purcell)
This Have I Done for My True Love (Holst)

New Music:

Music to hand in please:

All Creatures Now (Bennet)
As Torrents in Summer (Elgar)
Esti Dal (Kodaly)
Turot Eszik (Kodaly)
Il est bel et bon (Passereau)
The Shower (Elgar)

Friday 5 October 2012

lost music file, can you help?

Dear all

I have lost my SGCC folder with all my music in.  I definitely had it at the last rehearsal on Monday 1st October.  Did anyone pick it up?  Please could you check and let me know.

Yours desperate,
Julie Gill