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Sunday 24 July 2011

Message from Ed

Well Done All!

Thank you to one and all for our first major concert, with interval, with soloist, with pianist... with audience!

That was the biggest thing we have ever done. We have learnt and performed more music in one term than we have ever done before and every one of you has risen to the challenge. You sang really well, with real choral and musical highlights (with many of the audience citing different one). Thank you.

Special thanks must go to our Rachel Dyson (what a voice), Jenny Martin (beautiful playing on a dodgy keyboard - especially harpsichord!) and everyone who helped out - Beth printing programmes, Nicky's family and Liz on the door, Mary for her marvelous party, people doing weird jobs for me 10 mins before going on...

Our huge thanks must go to our extraordinary, unstoppable, untouchable Champions! Nicky, Enid and Jamie have worked tirelessly behind the scenes (venue, programmes, rehearsals, communications, audience development etc etc etc) but in particular have created our the wonderful new banner. That banner is going to go everywhere with us for ever (until I leave it in a pub in Amsterdam).

So now we know we can do it, maybe we should do it again. Let the Champions know your thoughts.And if you have photos, stories, anecdotes, we want to have them!

The Future!

Obviously we have Amsterdam (and we are so looking forward to that), but I would love to know your music thoughts for the Autumn 2011 and Spring 2012. We have concerts set up (and Enid will let us know details about these) so drop me a line with your creative ideas. I can't promise to include all suggestions, but it would be great to have your thoughts.

Thanks again one and all. If you're coming to the Dam, see you tomorrow. Otherwise, have a wonderful Summer and looking forward to singing with you in September.



  1. To add to the lost property: Somewhere in between my car and Mary's house (about 10 feet) I mislaid my phone. Could you please check to see if you have it by accident? It is on vibrate and the number is 07960 869279. It's a small silver Nokia and I'm a bit hopeless without it. In the meantime, if you need me I am contactable on 07827 351582. Thanks, Ed

  2. I am sure I am not the only one who would like to say a massive thank you to Ed for not only all his great teaching this term but also for his expert and inspiring conducting on Saturday night. Fantastic!
