If you are intersted in how Monteverdi's music would have sounded in his time then this looks as though it might be really interesting.....
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm on Friday 09 March 2012
Centre for Life, Scotswood Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4EP
Royal Society public lecture by Professor Malcolm Longair FRS at the Newcastle Science Festival
During the Renaissance in Venice, composers such as Gabrieli and Monteverdi created some of their greatest masterpieces for performance in the great churches on festive occasions. But what would the music have sounded like, given its complexity and the long reverberation times of the large churches? These issues have been addressed in an interdisciplinary project involving musicologists, architectural historians, acousticians and physicists. Using the most up-to-date technology, virtual acoustic models have been created for four of the great Venetian churches, including the Basillica of San Marco. The music composed for these churches can then be simulated as it would have been heard on the great festive occasions. Many animations and simulations will be demonstrated showing how modern techniques can address issues in musicological and architectural history.
This lecture is free and all are welcome to attend, but advance booking is necessary. For further information on the event and to book a place, please register online.
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